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A petition from GM Freeze and Beyond GM

Sign the petition!

UK regulations (transferred from European Union – EU) currently mean that any genetically modified (GM) ingredients in our food have to be listed on the packaging. The new Genetic Technology Act allows the UK Government to remove GM labels from some genetically engineered foods, even though research consistently shows that people throughout the UK want all GM foods to be labelled, incuding those created with newer “genome editing” GM techniques.

Our right to make an informed choice about what we are buying, and eating, is under threat. Please stand with Beyond GM and GM Freeze to ensure that GM deregulation plans Don’t Hide What’s Inside our food, by signing the petition below.

PLEASE NOTE: this petition is for UK residents only because of the nature of what we are demanding. If you are not in the UK we really appreciate your support and the best thing you can do to help is to share this page with your UK friends and contacts.

7,021 Signed

Don't Hide What's Inside campaign image